Monday, February 9, 2009

Remembering the Good

Remar 2000

This month started with a bang! Little Grace Elise turned 5! Wow, my baby is growing up! She looks like her grandmother. Since this is the month of rememberence, we made sure to share silly stories of my mom with Grace Elise and show her plenty of family photos.

I changed my hairstyle. I'm getting older and that was too much hair to take care of, so I cut most of it off. Jorge seems to like my new hairstyle as we've been having more intimate moments lately. Dancing in the dark, caresses as we pass each other. I would still like another baby, but it seems like nature doesn't intend for us to get pregnant again.

So I'm trying to focus on enjoying what I do have. A great husband, healthy little girl, job that I love and beautiful home.

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