Friday, April 27, 2007


Ellsworth is considering retirement, I don't know why-he just started his new position.

Johan decided to abadon the medical field and go into education. Ellsworth is a bit upset and I admit I am disappointed as well, however Johan is better off for education than the medical field...I don't think he would have survived.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Jadhira Jadhira Jadhira

Ahhh, Jadhira. I hear your name whispered in the wind. The wind says you're the one for me, but is it true? I talked with Elaine, a distant relative, and she said that you and I would be good for each other. We talked on the telly when you asked me what color my hair and eyes were and you gathered information for the database. I hear that you're the serious type, quiet too, but that you lack skills and dropped out of university. O! O! Not sure if father will allow such a thing, but alas, I saw your picture on the website and I think we may have passed on the sidewalk, like lovers in the wind.